DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineer Interview Q&A Vol 1.0
DevOps Engineer Interview Q&A Vol 1.0
Questions 50
Check the complete list of questions:
- Are you familiar with concept of DevOps?
- How many stages are there in DevOps lifecycle?
- DevOps is all about continuous ….
- What is Continuous Integration (CI) in DevOps?
- Name some of the most popular DevOps tools.
- Mention some technical benefits of DevOps.
- Mention some business benefits of DevOps
- How DevOps and Agile approach or methodology differs from each other?
- Explain five levels of DevOps practises used by highly evolved organizations.
- Explain DevOps lifecycle.
- Explain DevOps workflow. What are the types of DevOps workflows?
- Git command to download any repository from GitHub on your system?
- List out three differences between Continuous delivery and Continuous Deployment in DevOps?
- Which is the most important DevOps KPI?
- Explain more in detail about ‘Failed Deployment rate’ KPI.
- Who pionerred DevOps and when ?
- Which is the most popular Continuous integration tool in DevOps?
- Describe version
- Which Git command let you list files that you have changed and those you still need to commit or add?
- How to revert a commit in git to fix a bad file which is already pushed and made public?
- How to revert a commit to undo all changes made in bad commit that has been already pushed and made public?
- What is Git?
- Explain difference between git pull and git fetch.
- What is Shift left to reduce failure in DevOps ?
- What testing types are supported by Selenium?
- Which scripting language is most useful for DevOps engineer?
- Name three most popular cloud platforms for DevOps implementation.
- What do you understand by term ‘Canary release’?
- Explain in detail Blue/Green deployment pattern
- List down key elements of continuous testing tools.
- List down difference between continuous testing and automated testing
- How is asset management different from configuration management?
- What is Puppet?
- What is Puppet manifest and what are its components?
- Explain architecture of Chef.
- How playbooks in Ansible are expressed using which format?
- What is active and passive check in Nagios?
- What is Nagios and explain its features?
- What are containers?
- What is the difference between container and virtualization?
- What is a docker container?
- Outline steps to create a Docker container.
- Explain core components of docker platform.
- What is Jenkins and where it is used?
- What are commonly used tools in DevOps for deploying Infrastructure as a code?
- What is continuous delivery pipeline in Jenkins?
- What are top 10 plugins in Jenkin ?
- Explain about Memcached and its important features.
- List down some uses of Memcached.
- Explain pair programming with reference to DevOps.
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