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Cloud computing is a buzzword. It is defined as a set of services which are offered through remote servers on the Internet. These services might include databases, storage, computing, and other IT resources which are available over pay-as-you-go approach-based pricing. There are several cloud providers available in the market namely AWS, Azure, Alibaba, IBM and Google cloud.
In our last post, we had an overview of Google Cloud Platform. Today, we look more in detail about GCP Services
Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
Google cloud (GCP) is a public cloud vendor which enables its customers access to computing resources hosted in Google data centres around the world on a Pay-per-use basis. It provides public cloud infrastructure to host web-based applications and it is part of google cloud. Google cloud platform (GCP) came into existence way back in 2008 with the launch of a product named App Engine.
In April 2008, Google announced the preview release of App Engine, the goal of App Engine was to make it easy to get started with new web apps, easy to scale when an app reaches its peak and receiving significant traffic and has millions of user base. In late 2011 App Engine was moved out from preview mode and made an official Google product.

GCP Services
Google cloud platform provides numerous GCP Services having unique features. Some of the significant components of Google cloud platform (GCP) are as under:
- Compute services
- Networking
- Storage services
- Big data
- Security and Identity management
- Management tools
- Cloud AI
- IoT (Internet of things)
Compute Services – Google offers the concept of Platform-as-a-Service to facilitate deployment of PHP, Java, and any other software. It is used to develop and deploy web-based software in Google managed data centres.
- Compute Engine – it follows the concept of Infrastructure-as-a-service to run Windows and Linux based virtual machines.
- Kubernetes Engine – offers a platform for automatic deployment, scalability, and other operations of application containers across a host of clusters.
Networking – It has the following network services.
- VPC – stands for virtual private network. Its function is to offer a private network with routing, IP allocation and network firewall policies to provide a secure environment for application deployments.
- Cloud load balancing – is used to distribute workload across computing resources to maintain systems performance.
- Content delivery network – is distributed geographically networked proxy servers and their data centres. Aim is to provide good performance to end users and high availability of resources by equal distribution of related services.
Storage services. It has the following storage services.
- Google cloud storage – is online data storage web service which google provide to its users to store and access data from anywhere
- Cloud SQL – is a web service which enables users to create, manage, query, and use relational databases on Google cloud servers.
- Cloud Bigtable – is a highly scalable NoSQL database service which allows collecting and retention data from 1 TB to hundreds of PB.
Big data – It provides services related to big data.
- BigQuery – is a data analytics service which offers highly scalable solution and allows users to perform Ad Hoc queries
- Google cloud Datastore – is a kind of service which is fully managed, Schemaless, and non-relational in nature. It enables businesses to perform automatic transactions and a rich set of queries.
- Google Cloud Dataproc– helps in managing Hadoop and Spark services for distributed data processing.
Security and identity management – includes below services.
- Cloud data loss prevention API – is designed to manage sensitive data. It helps users to manage sensitive data elements such as credit card , banking , password details etc.
- Cloud IAM – is a framework which contains rules and policies and validates authentication and access information of users on cloud resources.
Management tools – two services fall under this category.
- Google Stack driver – is responsible for displaying overall performance and diagnostics information. Such as insights into data monitoring, tracing, logging, error reporting etc.
- Google Cloud console App – is a native mobile application to enable users to manage the core features of google cloud services from their mobile devices anywhere and anytime.
Cloud AI – has below services.
- Cloud Machine learning Engine – allows users to create ML models.
- Cloud AutoML – help users to enter their data sets and gain access to quality trained pre-designed ML models.
IoT (Internet of Things) – Cloud IoT core allows users to connect , control and ingest data from various devices securely connected to the Internet.
- Cloud IoT Edge – brings memory and other computing power resources near to location where it is needed
Quick tip !
Google cloud global network spans 22 regions , 67 zones, 140 points of presence and 96 CDN nodes