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Networking is the underlying architecture for any cloud service and it is what connects all resources and services to one another. Google cloud global network spans 22 regions, 67 zones, 140 points of presence, and 96 CDN nodes. Google cloud platform provides networking service tools to manage and scale networks in an easier manner.
Today we look more in detail about Google cloud Networking services and its features, how it works, use cases and so on.
What are Google Cloud Networking Services?
Google had invested heavily in its infrastructure and networking to give its users a seamless experience. Google cloud platform offers several networking services under its portfolio namely cloud virtual network, cloud load balancing, Cloud CDN, Cloud interconnect and Cloud DNS. We will learn more in detail about them in this article.

List of Google Cloud Networking Services
Cloud Virtual Network (VPC)
It provides the flexibility to scale and control how workloads will connect regionally and at global level. Using Virtual Private cloud, you can bring your own IP addresses across all regions to google network. We don’t need a connection in each and every region, a single VPC can span multiple regions without the need to communicate across the public internet.
Google cloud VPCs are shareable, expandable, transparent and Global. You can scale IP space of any subnets in production without any downtime or workload shutdown. VPC flow logs can be used for near real-time logging to monitor deployment of both network forensics and performance analytics.
Cloud Load Balancing
It is a fully distributed, software defined managed service. It offers load balancing features such as a single anycast IP address to frontend all your backend instances across regions. It provides cross region load balancing including auto multi region failure, software defined load balancing to scale as users and traffic grows including sudden spikes by diverting traffic to other regions of the world, layer 4 and layer 7 load balancing to direct traffic based on data from network and transport layer protocols such as TCP, UDP, ESP or ICMP.
It can use external load balancing when users reach applications from the internet and internal load balancing when clients are inside the Google cloud, load balancing of resources in single and multiple regions for performance and high availability, it has advanced features like IPV6 global load balancing, websockets, user friendly request headers and protocol forwarding for private VIPs.
Cloud Interconnect
It provides low latency and high available connection. Using cloud interconnect data can be transferred between on premises and VPC network. It also supports direct internal IP address access from both networks. It supports 8*10 Gbps connections and 2*100 Gbps Ethernet connections per interconnect. For partner interconnect it supports from 50 Mbps to 8*10 Gbps interconnect attachments (VLANs).
Cloud CDN
Cloud content delivery network is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centres . The aim of CDN is to provide maximum performance to end users. It also helps to deliver high availability of resources by equal distribution of related services to end users. CDN works only with Google load balancer and cloud storage. Cloud CDN has many benefits such as CDNs increase the speed at which content is delivered to end users.
Cloud DNS
Google cloud DNS is scalable, reliable, and managed authoritative DNS service. It is programmable and using CLI , API or a user interface we can create, update, publish, and manage millions of DNS zones and records. It provides the option to choose a network services tier. Google cloud platform divided its networking tier into two parts Premium tier and Standard tier.
Premium tier networks are ideal for high performance routing. Users can take advantage of the global fiber network and globally distributed Points of presence (POP) . Premium tier uses cold potato policy to route from data center to visitor. ISP carries traffic as far as possible before handling it to downstream ISP within its network.
Standard tier networks use POP near the data center where content lies. It uses a hot potato policy to ingress and egress traffic locally to your instances, ISP hands off traffic to a downstream ISP in as quick a manner as possible.
Quick facts !
Global infrastructure of Google cloud comprises of 27 regions, 82 zones, 146 edge networking locations, 113 interconnect locations, 14 sub sea cables