IBM Cloud CLI Commands

IBM Cloud CLI commands are used to interact with various IBM Cloud services and manage cloud resources from the command line. In the last blog, we discussed about the history, features, architecture and working of IBM Cloud. Here we will discuss some of the commonly used IBM Cloud CLI Commands.

Commonly used IBM Cloud CLI Commands

Setup and Configuration

Login to IBM Cloud:

ibmcloud login

Login with an API key:

ibmcloud login --apikey <API_KEY>

Set target region:

ibmcloud target -r <region>

View target settings:

ibmcloud target

Account and Resource Management

List organizations:

ibmcloud account orgs

Create a resource group:

ibmcloud resource group-create <group_name>

List resource groups:

ibmcloud resource groups

Target a specific resource group:

ibmcloud target -g <group_name>

Related: IBM Cloud Cheatsheet

Managing Cloud Foundry Applications

View Cloud Foundry applications:

ibmcloud cf apps

Push a new Cloud Foundry application:

ibmcloud cf push <app_name>

Managing Kubernetes Clusters

List Kubernetes clusters:

ibmcloud ks clusters

Create a Kubernetes cluster:

ibmcloud ks cluster create <options>

Get configuration for a cluster:

ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name>

View worker nodes:

ibmcloud ks workers <cluster_name>

Managing Virtual Servers

List virtual server instances:

ibmcloud sl vs list

Create a new virtual server:

ibmcloud sl vs create <options>

Managing Object Storage

List object storage buckets:

ibmcloud cos buckets

Create an object storage bucket:

ibmcloud cos bucket-create --bucket <bucket_name> --class <storage_class> --region <region>

Upload a file to a bucket:

ibmcloud cos object-put --bucket <bucket_name> --key <file_name> --body <file_path>

Managing Databases

List databases:

ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name <service_name>

Create a database instance:

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create <instance_name> <service_name> <plan> <location>

Monitoring and Logging

List logging instances:

ibmcloud logging instances

View logs for an instance:

ibmcloud logging logdna view <instance_name> <options>

Help and Documentation

View general help:

ibmcloud help

View help for a specific command:

ibmcloud <command> --help

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