
Load Balancing (SLB,GSLB,LLB) Interview Q & A Vol 1.0

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Load Balancing (SLB,GSLB,LLB) Interview Q & A Vol 1.0

Questions 23

Check the complete list of questions:

  1. What is server load balancing? How does it work?
  2. What is global load balancing? How does it work?
  3. What is link load balancing? How does it work?
  4. What is NLB (network load balancing)? How does it work?
  5. What are GSLB deployment models?
  6. What are SLB deployment modes?
  7. What is health check in reference to load balancing?
  8. What are commonly used load balancing mechanisms in SLB?
  9. What are commonly used load balancing mechanisms in GSLB?
  10. Give the names of some vendors/company products which provide SLB solutions?
  11. What is reverse proxy cache?
  12. Can SLB be used for site level redundancy?
  13. Explain the term server farm / server pool?
  14. Explain the term session persistence?
  15. Customer a has 5 web servers in his data center and want to load balance traffic coming from internet users across these 5 servers to equally distribute the load. Which type of load balancing solution will the customer use?
  16. Customer b has 2 web servers one each data center and DR site. Requirement is to make sure that when data center server or whole of data center goes down, the traffic is redirected DR site web server. Which load balancing solution addresses this requirement?
  17. What is reverse proxy? How is it related to load balancing?
  18. What is meant by SSL offload?
  19. Which are 4 essential factors considered while selecting a server load balancer?
  20. What are benefits of SLB?
  21. What are benefits of GSLB/GTM?
  22. What are benefits of LLB?
  23. Which layer does SLB work on?



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