What is iTunes account?

Digital media can be any form of media which uses electronic devices for its distribution. Digital media is commonly used software, video games, audio, websites and online advertising. Online digital media stores are quite common nowadays. Before digital media, companies had to rely on people seeing their products in a store or in a print advertisement which is not the case now. There are many digital media platforms available which facilitate and ease distribution of media contents and reach to masses. 

In this article we will learn more about iTunes the digital media store designed by Apple Inc. we will learn about its features, functions and limitations.   

About – iTunes account

The iTunes store is software based online digital media store which is operated by Apple Inc. iTunes offers 60 million songs, 2.2 million applications, 25000+ TV shows, and 65,000 movies. It has 575 million active user accounts and serves 315 million mobile devices worldwide. 

The iTunes is available for most of the Apple devices Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV as well as on Windows (inside iTunes). 

The iTunes store was introduced in 2005, in the year 2010 it became the largest music vendor in the world. 

To buy items from an iTunes store you need to have an Apple ID. If you have purchased from Apple website or ordered a photo book or if you have an iCloud account you will already have an Apple ID. 

Features of iTunes account

  • Let you organize and play your music and videos
  • Play or download unlimited songs with Apple Music (Paid subscription)
  • Find music, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, free podcasts and so on
  • Strong navigation features to search files using song title, artist name, album title and so on
  • Visualization of music files using animation creating algorithms 
  • Synching of Apps to iPhone and iPad 
  • Supports iCloud integration and sync across devices 

Limitations of iTunes account 

  • Consumes lot of space
  • Authorization limit can be inconvenient for users having multiple gadgets
  • Performance glitches like slowness etc. 

How to open – iTunes account

Open an iTunes account (Apple ID) to purchase media such as music, movies, audiobooks, podcasts etc. Install iTunes on your system, and set up an iTunes account to create the Apple ID.

  • To open iTunes on your system click iTunes item on Mac Dock
  • Click to open the Store menu and choose Create Account from the menu that appears.
  • The Welcome to the iTunes Store screen appears.
  • Click Continue.
  • The Terms & Conditions screen appears.
  • Click to select the I Have Read and Agree to the iTunes Terms and Conditions checkbox, and then click the Continue button.
  • The Create iTunes Store Account (Apple ID) screen appears.
  • Fill in the information fields and click the Continue button.
  • Click the last two check boxes to deselect them (if you don’t want to receive email from the Apple Store), before clicking the Continue button. The Provide a Payment Method screen appears.
  • Enter your payment information and click the Continue button. In the Payment Method section, you will have the option to select “None” as your payment method. This way you can create an Apple ID without providing an initial credit card.
  • Enter the information for the credit card you want to use for iTunes purchases on the Payment screen. A screen appears confirming that your account has been opened.
  • Click the Done button. Verification email will be sent to the address you provided to complete account creation activity.

How to manage – iTunes account

You can change your Apple ID name, password or billing information 

  • In iTunes App on your system choose Account > View My Account then sign in 
  • Click on Edit and make changes and click Done

Check your purchase history 

  • In iTunes App on your system choose Account > View My Account then sign in 
  • In the Account information window click See All (Below purchase history) 

Purchase history shows purchases made using this account with most recent purchases appearing on top in ascending order

  • Used by more than 325 million people
  • Used by more than 500 million people every month
  • It has more than 26 million songs
  • It is considered world largest music store
  • There are 40,000 + movies on iTunes
  • First major-label music player to sell music without digital rights management (DRM) restrictions.

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