CompTIA A+


CompTIA A+ Interview Q&A Vol 1.0

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CompTIA A+ Interview  Q&A Vol 1.0

Questions 50

Check the complete list of questions:

  1. A power connector with how many pins defines SATA interface specification?
  2. What type of connectors are used by Parallel ATA (PATA) cabling?
  3. While installing two Parallel ATA drives on one cable, it is essential to configure each drive with a jumper in order to delegate it either as master i.e. the primary drive or rather a slave i.e. secondary drive. The “cable select” jumper setting option on the basis of its position on the cable, automatically configures the drive as primary or secondary (the master or the slave). The statement is true or false?
  4. What is the maximum permissible cable length as per the PATA (Parallel ATA) interface standard?
  5. While operating a parallel SCSI bus, what is the upper limit number of devices that can be connected to it?
  6. What is the name of a dedicated device specially designed to provide power to Power over Ethernet (PoE) equipment especially in case of non-POE switch in network?
  7. In order to subdue keyboard size limitations, which laptop feature assists the user?
  8. What is the standard size of magnetic HDD (hard disk drive) form factor used in the modern laptops?
  9. Mention some of the characters associated with hardware RAID Level 1.
  10. What is the storage size of a dual-layer mini blue ray disc?
  11. What is the unit of measuring the spinning rate of the platters of a magnetic hard disk drive?
  12. Explain the common traits that one can find in a network switch?
  13. What is the maximum RPM value that the modern Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) be able to reach?
  14. Give two examples of nested RAID levels.
  15. The ability to replace a computer system component without disrupting system operations is termed as “Hot swapping”. True or False?
  16. What is the minimum number of drives required by hardware RAID level 10?
  17. The term ‘motherboard’s form factor’ is used to define the standardized specification of a motherboard, comprising its components layout, dimensions and supported power supply types. True or False?
  18. What sort of laptop function is performed by the smart card reader?
  19. Which is the most common storage media that users seldom find in the new laptops because of their compact nature and size limitations?
  20. Because of the compact nature of laptop devices, all kinds of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) come as CPU-integrated graphics. The statement is true or false?
  21. What is the common battery form used in the modern portable devices?
  22. The facility of accessing Internet through cable modems within periphery of a standard television cable infrastructure is termed as?
  23. The “Mobile Hotspot” is a term used for a kind of WLAN that allows network access via mobile device that plays the role of a portable WAP. The statement is true or false?
  24. Name the kind of network topology where each node directly links to every other node.
  25. One of the major demerits of this device is that it negatively affects the network performance by recreating any incoming signal on its port and then sent it out to all the connected ports. Name the device?
  26. Name the device that comprises of several connector ports and blocks and used in cable management?
  27. Give 3 characteristic features associated with an OLED display?
  28. Give two basic functions that are performed by a laptop inverter?
  29. Give two specifications of SATA revision 2.0?
  30. Provide some of the basic characteristics of SAS software?
  31. Which are the important components that one can find with RJ-11 connectors?
  32. Give the name of two passive adapters that enable DVI-to-HDMI connectivity.
  33. Give some of the common examples of flash memory card formats.
  34. Give two examples of Small Form Factor (SFF) motherboard types that facilitate backward compatibility with full-size Advanced Technology eXtended (ATX) cases?
  35. Mention some of the common features associated with fiber-optic network cabling?
  36. Give some of the common characteristic features that one can find in satellite Internet connections?
  37. Give the names of some common tethering methods that are applied in mobile Internet connection sharing.
  38. Mention the key function associated with Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR)?
  39. Define a Multimeter.
  40. Name the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports for the following- a)A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent receives the requests. b)SNMP notifications received by the SNMP management station
  41. Name the device which is designed to filter and then transfer IP packets among dissimilar forms of computer networks.
  42. The network connections that have been made with the application of a cable modem take the advantage of which features.
  43. Mention the characteristics that one can commonly find in DSL (digital subscriber line) modems.
  44. Mention the common features that one can observe in a network bridge.
  45. Mention some of the features that best describe DDR3 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 3 Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory).
  46. How DDR4 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 4 Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory) is similar and different from DDR3 SDRAM?
  47. Which of the features are essential to take the benefit of the performance edge provided by the multi-channel memory architecture?
  48. Mention certain storage restrictions associated with a standard CD-ROM media format.
  49. Give some of the examples of storage media that one can erase and write multiple times.
  50. When we speak in terms of reach and size, a MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is smaller than a WAN (Wide Area Network) but larger than a LAN (Local Area Network). The statement is true or false?



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