Hyperconverged Infrastructure


Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Interview Q&A Vol 1.0


Hyperconverged Infrastructure Interview Questions & Answers Vol 1.0

Questions 50

Check the complete list of questions:

  1. What is Hyper Converged Infrastructure?
  2. What is Virtualization?
  3. How does Hyperconvergence infrastructure solve data center challenges that traditional or converged infrastructure cannot?
  4. When does it make sense to deploy HCI?
  5. How will HCI change job responsibilities?
  6. What are the best deployment options for HCI?
  7. What are important considerations in an HCI solution?
  8. How should HCI interact with components in data center?
  9. How does HCI help reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
  10. How does HCI help prepare my Data Center for the future?
  11. How does HCI help improve data center performance and reliability?
  12. What are the benefits of hyperconverged infrastructures?
  13. What are the downsides of hyperconverged infrastructures?
  14. What are the main use cases of HCI?
  15. Why Hyper-Converged Infrastructure popular in today’s market?
  16. Explain operation of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure?
  17. What challenges will hyper-convergence resolve?
  18. Define the Hyper-Convergence Architecture?
  19. Illustrate benefits of Hyper-convergence in comparison to traditional storage?
  20. What is Virtual Storage Appliance in HCI?
  21. Describe the Server Virtualization in HCI?
  22. What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure wrt HCI environment?
  23. Is having a Hyperconverged environment the same as private cloud?
  24. Enumerate the reasons to deploy a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI)?
  25. List the top Hyper Converged vendors?
  26. Why do we need hyper converged infrastructure?
  27. Differentiate between converged and hyper converged infrastructure?
  28. What is Hyperconverged storage?
  29. What is HCI in cloud?
  30. Is Cisco UCS hyper converged?
  31. Does Cisco HyperFlex use vSAN?
  32. What is VMware HCI?
  33. Is openstack Hyper Converged Infrastructure?
  34. Is vSAN Hyper converged?
  35. What is the most commonly purchased software for HCI?
  36. What is VxRail?
  37. What is Converged Infrastructure?
  38. What is difference between Hyperconverged infrastructure and Cloud?
  39. What are two key challenges with Hyper-Converged setup?
  40. Enlist 5 reasons for organization move to a Hyper-Converged Infrastructure?
  41. What is legacy infrastructure?
  42. Difference between hyper-converged infrastructure system and traditional IT systems?
  43. Main components of a hyper-convergence infrastructure
  44. What is Server virtualization software?
  45. Does hyper converged infrastructure help with VDI solutions?
  46. Explain benefits of Storage in HCI?
  47. Describe about hyper-converged storage?
  48. Enlist key advantage and Disadvantage of hyper-converged storage.
  49. Describe about Hyper-converged storage vendors and products?
  50. What are use case of hyper-converged storage?



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